Digital participation

and memory work with digital media


We are convinced that a

emancipatory practice with digital media

and new technologies is needed to shape an open, just, and solidary society.

With contemporary educational formats, we empower people to achieve this goal together with us.

about mediale pfade


  • Welcome and Agenda
  • participation - what do we mean?
  • group work and discussion about participation elements in historic-civic education projects
  • Method presentation and practice - creating good memory spaces in VR
  • presentation and discussion of the potentials of the method
  • check out

Who is in the room?





Participation mode/Tools/Process

Level of participation

Relevance and Urgency

Topic or Issue

civic participation forums and processes

- mainly on community level

- social space design

- construction planning

formal participation

formal participation

digital participation in organizational processes

- organization or associations (based on membership)

- online assemblies (since Corona legit)






trialogue between civil society, administration and political decision makers

exchange of ideas, open process

- budget planning

- recreation of public spaces


informal participation

informal participation

Youth Forums or Youth Dialogues

- formalized dialogues with elected or voluntary representatives





need-driven projects or campaigns


initiated, created and executed by civil society,

self-organized groups or initiatives



bottom-up participation

bottom-up participation




digital participation




  • visualization of needs and perspectives


  • empowerment of the participants


  • political education and democracy education


  • media education and digital literacy

Why digital?

  • part of life reality especially for younger people


  • diverse
  • changed power dynamics
    • digital skillset creates advantages
    • possibility to participate anonymously or with an avatar
  • global connectedness
  • multi-medial / technology offers different participation access to different needs
    • translations, chats, digital tools
    • visualization or narration through technology

No participation

prelimenary stages of participation

actual participation

The participation ladder

Participatory elements in historic-civic education

Group work

What elements of participation are included in the project?


What is the participation level of young people in this project (and why do you think so?)


Is the participation level adequate and appropriate for the topic and the type of project? How does participation benefit the project (goal)


What are the benefits and what are the challenges using digital participatory methods in memory work?

  • Practice - creating good memory spaces in VR


living utopia | Virtual Reality


Learning goal

  • get to know an educational approach about creating a common vision of a good educational space
  • use participatory methods as a base for the creation of a common vision
  • use AR/VR technology to implement the vision and provide access to a digital result to other people
  • "Archive of refuge - living utopia" - using AR/VR in educational contexts

"Living utopia" in Spandau

main question:

How can everyday places in Spandau turn into good places where people feel welcome and cared for and how can they become a home?

living utopia


living utopia | Virtual Reality


Step 1 - Brainstorming (5´)

What are elements of a good memory space?

living utopia | Virtual Reality


living utopia | Virtual Reality


Step 2 - Prototyping (15´)

Use craft material and sticky notes to create a prototype of a good memory space in the box

living utopia | Virtual Reality


Step 3 - Augment your vision in CoSpaces (25´)

Take a 360° photo of your box and insert it into the VR-Platform CoSpaces


Add digital objects and text boxes onto your photo

living utopia | Virtual Reality


Step 4 - Present your results in VR (10´)

Use the Share-Code and present your result with the VR glasses

living utopia | Virtual Reality


Step 5 - Reflection (15´)

What are the potentials of the method and what could you use it for in your own settings?

living utopia | Virtual Reality

Feedback and Checkout

Ressourcen-Liste – Verein für Medienbildung e.V.
Oranienstr. 19a
10999 Berlin

