
Definition: privileges

Being privileged means, among other things, underestimating some problems because the person has never faced them.


It says nothing about how difficult or easy the person's life has been so far.

Definition: privileges

Privilege says nothing about our abilities and talents. Many successful people are indeed hardworking, motivated and talented.


But not just. They are promoted to the top by invisible elevators.

Definition: privileges

Privileges can be compared to jokers in card games.


We all get the same cards, and some of us get a certain number of jokers to begin with, just like that.

Definition: privileges

The players still have to show strategy skills, talent, intelligence, diligence and motivation to advance in the game.


The jokers alone cannot guarantee the win, but they help tremendously.

Definition: privileges

The jokers are distributed to people who match one or more facets of an attributed superiority: white, heterosexual, cisgender, middle class, male, without disability, thin, young, and conventionally beautiful.

Definition: privileges

These facets are particularly powerful because they are both generated and reinforced by what are called unconscious biases or implicit biases.